Juniors Program

HRRA Juniors Program

Our Junior programs are designed to address three philosophies.

  1. By creating composite teams, we can match the best athletes from varied programs and put together top-rated teams that represent the best the Hudson Valley has to offer.
  2. Melding traditional rivals during the scholastic seasons into composite boats, we create a sense of regional rowing pride.
  3. Providing extensive access to expanded coaching ideas and experiences makes our regional scholastic teams stronger and prepares them for success at the collegiate level.

We address each of these philosophies by providing Learn-to-Row and Novice teams, skill building and water time for intermediate athletes, and intensive training and technique work for advanced rowers. Each HRRA athlete shares their experience with teammates and coaches of other teams and creates new experiences to take back to their scholastic teams, tightening that connection and helping to create our rowing community.

Junior Winter Training:

The Junior Pre-Winter Training program registration is open. Spots are limited to 24, and it is a combined boys/girls program. The Winter training program for January–March is still being finalized and the email will be sent when it is complete.

Pre-Winter Junior Training

Dates: Monday, November 25th – Saturday, December 21st

Rower Fee: $125 REGISTER

Practice Days & Times: (Girls & Boys combined)

    Mondays, Wednesday, Friday: 5–6:30p.m.

    Saturdays: 8–9:30a.m.

Coaches: Emily Luciano, Jillian Cidras

Our junior athletes will receive focused erg, weight, and tank coaching reinforcing proper biomechanics and technique that will help them get the most of the regular winter training session. 

The HRRA Junior Winter Training Program creates a team atmosphere with internal competition to produce fast athletes, while also encouraging a supportive team environment. In the past our participants have repeatedly set new personal 2k records.

If you are serious about increasing your performance on your spring/ summer teams or laying the groundwork for collegiate rowing recruitment, the HRRA Winter Training Plan and its staff of regional coaches will help you achieve your goals. 

These are just some of the possible erg races in which HRRA may participate:

  • 1/18/2025 – Ironmen Erg Classic Ramsey,
  • 2/8/2025 – Winter Watt Farm, Lyndhurst, NJ
  • Feb/March (date to be confirmed) – CRASH-Bs, Boston MA

All athletes must have a Basic USRowing Membership ($25) and an online waiver completed.  If you have already paid the membership under a different club name you must log in to the USRowing portal and add Hudson River Rowing Association to your club affiliations by the first day of practice. 

  • The HRRA code is H9RR4 and the online waiver link is HERE.

HRRA Program and race fees do not include uniform, hotel, traveling expenses, or USRowing membership (when applicable). Athletes are responsible for these additional expenses.  HRRA does not provide adult chaperones for unaccompanied minors.