

Our second annual HRRA Ergathon was a great success!

Thanks to everyone who participated in and donated to our fundraiser.

The 29 athletes erged 6.9 million meters in just 4 weeks. That’s 2.7 million more meters than last year. 20 athletes earned their C2 Holiday Challenge pin.  Amazingly, two athletes erged over 300k, two over 400k, and two over 600! (Click here and scroll down to see the details.)

Together, we raised $3,314.  The generous donations will help HRRA replace aging and broken equipment.  It will also help make rowing more affordable for the participating athletes, as a percentage of the donations will be applied to their rowing fees next year.

Equally exciting news is that 12 athletes will be getting a discount on their registration fees next summer.  Most are getting the full $200 credit.  As you recall, 50% of the money that athletes raised during the Ergathon is applied to their account (excluding the registration fee and capped at $200).

Now to announce the winners of the challenges and their prizes.

Challenge: Erging the most meters by week 1:

  • Womens Masters: Lucy Carr - Kelly $25 gift certificate
  • Men Masters: Dave Pountain - Growler of Beer
  • Womens Juniors: Mary Igoe - Rossi $25 gift card
  • Men Juniors: Mateo Torres – HRRA Keychain

Raising the most by week 1:

  • Masters: Daphne Png - Growler of Beer
  • Juniors: Mateo Torres - Rower’s Wrench

Challenge: Erging the most meters by end of Ergathon:

  • Womens Masters: Lucy Carr – HRRA team oar sticker
  • Men Masters: Dave Pountain – Lola’s $25 gift card
  • Womens Juniors: Mary Igoe – Erg’22 Mug (made by Trish Ramos)
  • Men Juniors: Mateo Torres – Dutch Crown $25 gift card

Raised the most by end of Ergathon:

  • Masters: Michelle LaVope - tbd
  • Juniors: Mateo Torres – HRRA team oar sticker

We look forward to seeing everyone at the boathouse soon.  In the meantime, Happy New Year!